
Age Gracefully, Manage Pain Naturally: Alternative Therapies for Seniors

By June Duncan Age Gracefully, Manage Pain Naturally: Alternative Therapies for Seniors As seniors seek to maintain quality of life, managing pain effectively becomes increasingly essential. Traditional treatments often fall short or bring undesirable side effects, prompting the exploration of alternative methods. These non-conventional options provide fresh avenues for relief... Read More

Elevate Your Indoor Air Quality at Home

Written by: June Duncan   Elevate Your Indoor Air Quality at Home Many people spend the majority of their time indoors, so the air quality in your home can significantly impact your health and well-being. Poor air quality can lead to various health issues, from minor irritations to serious respiratory... Read More

Thriving with Chronic Pain: Practical Tips for a Fulfilling Life

Written by: June Duncan Thriving with Chronic Pain: Practical Tips for a Fulfilling Life Living with chronic pain presents numerous challenges, but maintaining a fulfilling lifestyle is achievable with the right strategies and support. By focusing on overall well-being and making informed choices, you can significantly improve your quality of... Read More

Transform Your Life with These Sustainable Wellness Tips

Written by: June Duncan Embarking on a journey towards sustainable wellness begins with adopting daily habits that nurture both your body and mind. A conscious decision to improve your lifestyle can lead to profound changes, enhancing your overall well-being and quality of life. In this article, courtesy of Cholla Medical... Read More

Help a Loved One With a Chronic Condition By Utilizing These Strategies

Written by: June Duncan Helping a loved one manage a chronic condition is a wonderful way to show them you care, and it can relieve stress for them that could otherwise cause mental and physical distress. That’s why it’s so important to find unique, thoughtful ways to help your loved... Read More

Seniors: Take Charge of Your Healthy By Being Your Own Advocate

By: June Duncan There was a time when your family physician managed almost everything about your health, from tests to medication. You could afford to be passive and just follow orders, as it were, and know you’d be taken care of.  Times have changed, though. The US healthcare system is... Read More

How to Memorialize Your Deceased Loved One

Written by: Hazel Bridges There's no grief greater than the grief felt when losing a family member. On top of that, you also have to worry about going through their assets and will, cleaning out their living space, and sharing the news with the rest of the family. Although there's... Read More

When Should You Move Closer to an Aging Loved One?

By: Hazel Bridges For years, you've watched your mother and father enjoy their retirement, but lately, it seems they may need help. You want your parents to enjoy their independence, but you also recognize that needing help during the golden years is a fact of life. When should you step... Read More

4 Budget-Friendly Self-Care Strategies for Caregiver Health and Well-Being

By: June Duncan Being a caregiver is one of the most rewarding — and demanding — responsibilities out there. Caregiver burnout is one of the highest, most common kinds of burnout there is. Finding a balance between being a caregiver and self-care can almost feel impossible. But that doesn’t have to be... Read More

5 Things You Should Do for Excellent Health in Your Senior Years

By: June Duncan Living well is a challenge at many stages in life, and your senior years are no different. And while things are no doubt changing as you get older, there are steps you can take toward optimal health. Here are five things you should do for excellent health... Read More

The Best Tips for Homeowners Moving to Assisted Living

Moving is always a stressful event, but for seniors heading into assisted living, at the top of their stressors is often a particular dilemma: What should be done with the home they’re leaving behind? Rent, sell, or give it away? Read on as we hit the highlights of each option. Enjoy Ongoing... Read More

Recovering from Grief: Tips for Overcoming Insomnia

Bereavement is a complex emotional condition, creating symptoms that can manifest themselves unexpectedly and in disruptive ways. Grief can make it difficult to concentrate, causing you to feel lost or as though you were in a fog. Grieving itself is a natural healing process, but it can lead to serious... Read More

Does Your Loved One Need Live-In Help?

Caring for an aging loved one can be challenging in many ways. As you balance the needs of a senior whose health is declining, your own work and home life can become difficult to maintain. With juggling your obligations, there may come a time when you consider hiring assistance for... Read More